
Check the Schedule,
Your scores and More!

Fatboys Logo

At Roses Run
Country Club
Stow, Ohio.

Wednesday Sign

to Rick and Rick!
Second half
WINNERS of 2023!

Fatboys Golf Men First Place

welcome to another year of Fatboys Golf!

Anyone who has not paid their League Fees please do so ASAP!!

Start Date

League starts April 17, 2024

The schedule is set. Please review the contacts page and email any updates to nickd@methmedia.net


New Players

New players with and without established USGA handicaps:

• If you have scores from another league, you can provide them and I will enter them as part of the handicap calculation for Roses Run.

• Please submit the scores in order of which they were played and the course played (If you have the Course and slope rating that would help too)

• Scoring and standings will be calculated after 5 rounds are complete. If you are new and don't have an established handicap, your handicap is calculated after 5 rounds are played. Your handicap is then applied to weeks 1-5 and match scoring is calculated appropriately.

Money Icon

League Fees

League Fees are mandatory and $25 per person. League fees must be paid by week 5. If not paid, your team gets zero points per week until paid. Both parties must be paid. No Exceptions

Anyone who has not paid their League Fees please do so ASAP!!

Golf Ball Face


In years past a team playing a Ghost Team was getting too many points, which gave them a huge advantage. In order to make this fair… if the team you are scheduled to play does not show up and did not make up the round, you will pick a number out of a hat to determine your opponent. After the round is complete, at least one team member needs to stick around until everyone is done to pick a number out of a hat.

A gimme putt must be 2 feet or shorter from the hole or within the leather (grip) of a standard length putter. Any putt further than 2 feet must be putted.

If a team is not golfing, please email, call or text your opponents, so they don't wait for you to tee off.

If you arrive at the course early, please wait for the team you are scheduled to play. Do not tee off by yourselves.

Turn in your score card to Mike Silvey at the end of each round.

Knock-down or playoff week is week 11, June 26 for the first half. No golfing out for knock-down.

If you are not in a playoff, play with whomever you choose and we will pick a blind draw.

Playoff week for the second half, we will buy beer and food for everyone.

Check back each week for new announcements.

New Rules!

2 Stroke penalty

Anyone that lays down on a green to look at his putt, will receive a two stroke penalty! You slow playing bastard!

3 Stroke penalty

Anyone not drinking while golfing will receive a three stroke penalty. You cheating prick!

2 Stroke penalty

Anyone having lock jaw on a two foot putt or shorter shall receive a two stroke penalty! You professional douchebag!